5 Tips To Become A Better Podcaster

podcast iconEvery podcaster has room for improvement. Whether that podcaster is someone who has just started their first podcast or someone who is a seasoned veteran, there is always room to improve. When Bob and I first started podcasting with the Geeks and God podcast we were not nearly as good as we are today (though there is still much room to improve). We've worked to improve, not only the technology behind the show, but how we present ourselves as podcasters. Here are a few of the methods I've learned to help me improve at being a podcaster.

Pay Attention To Other Podcasters

Find a few podcasters you like to listen to and start paying attention to them. By paying attention I mean, listen to how they talk, their attitude, what they talk about, their intensity, and see if you can figure out their facial expression by the tone in their voice. Can you tell when they are smiling?

Then, try to add some of those qualities you like in when you speak. Start slow with just one. Add it in to an everyday conversation first to take it for a test drive. This will make it more natural when you try to have that characteristic on the podcast.

Think of this like an actor might. Actors work on their performances. They learn how to speak for the part and how to carry themselves for the part. And, they practice this first. Podcasters are trying to deliver a message and, while they are not playing a role, presentation matters.

Listen To Your Own Podcast

For me, this is one of the most difficult tasks to do. I can understand why some actors won't watch something they were in. But, to improve at podcasting you need to listen to yourself. Ask yourself if there is something you don't like about your delivery. Are you someone you would want to listen to? If not, why not.

Get Some Feedback

Find someone who can be truly honest with you and get feedback from them. Ask for specifics. If you can find someone who is a good speaker this would be better because they should know what works.

I think of this like a golf coach. Someone who can look at your game and see what's stopping you from having that sweet swing.

Don't Talk About Yourself

Unless the podcast is about your life, don't talk about yourself very much on the podcast. People want to hear about the topic, not your life.

I bring this up because I think it's a trap a lot of podcasters fall into. Talking about your life is an easy fall back when you aren't sure what to say or when you get nervous. It something you know. Fight the urge.

Learn To Be Comfortable

This tip is more for someone who has just started podcasting. When I first got behind a microphone I was nervous. Putting something out on the Internet that had my thoughts and voice on it made me nervous. I expect this out of new podcasters. Learning to be comfortable is one of the best things you can learn to do. People can hear discomfort. Discomfort makes you more critical in a bad way. Discomfort distracts from your train of thought and ability to do a good show.

Work to get comfortable.

These are just a handful of things that can bring about a dramatic difference in a podcast. The technology only gets a podcast so far. It's the podcaster that makes or breaks a podcast.