Even More ESV Web Integration For Webmasters

esv_logo.gifThe ESV translation of the Bible is the most Internet friendly, usable, and accessible English translation of the bible. I've previously written about their API, embrace of OpenSearch to add the Bible to your browsers search bar, and their use of RSS. In an effort to share the Bible as much as possible they provide more information than just these. Let's take a look at a few things to help webmasters integrate the ESV translation of the Bible into their websites.

Linking to the ESV

In the section of the ESV website titled, "For Webmasters: Linking to the ESV" they describe how to link link to verses and how to embed a Bible search form right into any page. This page not only provides descriptions, it provides xhtml complaint examples that are easy to read and understand.

Syndicating With JavaScript

In another section of the ESV website they describe how to use JavaScript to tie into the ESV translation. In this section they provide JavaScript snippets to grab a verse of the day, with audio, and verse searches, among other things.

iCal Integration

Integrating the Bible into calendars like iCal or Google Calendar is one of the most unique ways to share scripture that I've seen. This is one of the was the ESV is syndicated. On their iCal syndication page they list a number of ways to get it, provide details on how to use it with Google Calendar, and even let you adjust the time listed when you get the iCal feed.

Scripture Module

Thanks for posting this. I've been frustrated w/ Bible Gateway and felt like someone should make it easy to grab scripture.

I had an idea a while back to create a drupal module for churches so when a scripture is added to a page, when they submit the post, the site will automatically add a link to the scripture... I guess I should learn how to create drupal modules now.

Scripture Filter Module

I believe the module you are looking for is at http://drupal.org/project/scripturefilter


Yo this is Bangin' !
If I ever get my site up with Drupal .. I'm finna add this.
Now if I could get NASB too that would be just be the banginest.
Thanks again.