3 Unconventional Brainstorming Ideas

BrainstormComing up with that new idea that it worth doing is rarely easy. With the web and its world wide reach, if it's simple and worth doing someone has probably already done it. Bob and I have been brainstorming and are out of ideas. So, I've gone back to the brainstorming drawing board and have been reminded of these 3 often overlooked tech ministry brainstorming tools.


Prayer seems like a simple enough thing to do. To some it seems like a no brainer. We pray at church. Bob and I pray before recording podcasts. We pray at church meetings. But, how often do we do it when we are brainstorming?

When we pray, what are we praying for? Is it for that cool new idea? That product that will change the world? Or, to build something that will be part of the mission of the church and part of Gods plan?

Read the Bible Regularly

The bible is the most owned book in the world and possibly the most under read book in the world. I think there are two very important reasons to read the bible when it comes to brainstorming.

  1. The bible has a supernatural element to it. According to the bible, the Spirit uses the text of the bible when He guides us and opens up insight to us. The bible is called the living world for a reason. Reading it gives the Spirit material to work with.
  2. The bible points out how God does things and how He guides His people. I'm a believer that there are few new ideas in the world. Most of what we call 'new ideas' are really just repackaged ideas for the past. For example, podcasting is repackaged talk radio. Talk radio is repackaged public forums where someone would regularly talk or lecture. So, what are the ideas that God has blessed in the past? Why did He bless them? Knowing history can make a difference in how we do things today.

Focus On Gods Mission For Us

It's not too tough to come up with some ideas that are cool in pop culture or to come up with something that we could get a bunch of people on board with. That's part of the reason there are so many Internet startups. When we come up with ministry ideas that are essentially a startup where is the focus?

Our mission is nicely outlined in Matthew 28:19-20 where it says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." Breaking this down, it is saying that we are to make disciples and we are to do that by baptizing and teaching. So, how can we use technology in baptizing and teaching?

We can, also, add in there an almost sub-mission. While Jesus was doing this and setting an example for us to do this He was showing compassion to others. He was healing them, speaking words of love, and helping them. It's amazing how much this is intertwined with the mission described in Matthew 28. So, how can we do this and tie it together with the mission in Matthew 28?

These may seem like no brainers but I think we need to be reminded of them from time to time. I know I do. It can be easy to get sucked into technology and forget about these elements that are often not powered by electricity.

excellent post -- thank

excellent post -- thank you.

continuing your 3rd thought-train, perhaps when brainstorming look around the table at WHO's doing the brainstorming and ask aloud... "Who's NOT at the table that should be?" Then considering the missional mandate that we go pervasively throughout the world, often we may realize we're often like a stacked (and sequestered) jury, aloof from valuable information and connections we'd really like to have. So maybe a major component of brainstorming is getting a diverse cross-section of the multicultural Church at the table... especially including those who might most need/use LOW-COST technologies, but who are least able to afford or use them.

Body of Christ

I think this plays into the body of Christ that God has setup. Not everyone has all of the gifts and insights. It's bringing people together to do and even brainstorm together. Good point.

Though, I would add that people from different walks of life need to be involved this. Not just people who are looking for low cost but people who see the world in different ways.